Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The Best Part of Me


There are Women who last a lusttime in a Man's groin.
There are Women who last a lovetime in a Man's heart.
There are Women who last a lifetime in a Man's soul.

God sleeps at the edge of the universe
where the clarity of science fades to uncertainty
where the deep-throated howls of women
in the full froth of fuck
soften into wet whispered somethings
soothing in the vowel of O

The universe is a wOmb
The earth is an egg swirling dervish in cumulus cum.

Their small breasts
fit firm
into my hand
into my mouth
into my poem
warmly as a sparrow snuggles in its nest

I love how they open their legs
in the shape of YESOYES
fitting into them
firmly as the rugged root of an oak
into the sun soft soil

They are the Women
who make the best part of me


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Wally Keeler said...

Philosophy holds no interest for me. Your view on me is incompetent. I let real poets inform me of the best part of my poethood, not anonymous cowards that have as much cache as a no-name brand.

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