Friday, August 29, 2008


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In a whine broadcast around the world, Franz Pahl, President of Trentino-Alto Adige region that includes Bolzano said that a work of art hanging in his jurisdiction is "not a work of art but a blasphemy and a disgusting piece of trash that upsets many people. We won't have this little frog belittle our beloved institution and make a mockery of God. It is scandalous and blasphemous.”

The voice of official Catholicism weighed in with a letter of support to Franz Pahl, asserting that the blasphemous art “wounded the religious sentiments of so many people who see in the cross the symbol of God's love and redemption"
In an act as stupid as that of Leo Adner, of the Friends of the Simon Weisenthal Centre in Canada, the Vatican took a stand on behalf of God Almighty and His Heavenly Hosts, waxing apoplectic about a green amphibian being hung out to dry on a cross, a la Jesus Christ. The object of blasphemy was cleverly disguised as art and hung out to dry at an art gallery.
The sculpture is called "Zuerst die Fusse", ( Feet First).

Museum officials at Museion in the Italian city of Bolzana defied the religious edict and continues to hang the sculpture created by the late Martin Kippenberger. Museum officials defended their decision to continue exhibiting the blasphemous art; "Art must always be free and the artist should not have any restrictions on freedom of expression."

Franz Pahl, a committed Catholic, went on a hunger strike against the display of the frog. The force of his faith was so powerful that he had to be taken to the hospital.

No one has heard what God Almighty has said about this issue. Unlike Leo Adner, and the Vatican, God decided that there were more important things to tend to, what with all the administrative duties to ensure the universe continues to comply with all of the physical rules set forth in the opening moment of Big Bang and the subsequent policy of YES! IT-IS-GOOD!

The Mafia of Meddlers & Mediocrity would do better to “ribbet” and move on; the rest of the world has.But then again, there are other ways to deal with annoying crazy frogs.


John Draper said...

I wonder why the God Almighty who was offended did not do something about it Himself?

Anonymous said...

Hey faux bears shooting frogs ain't kosher Sarge. Kinda the same reason we can't send lieutenant Liverberg over pork chop hill to chew up the Kraut on the other side.

I tells ya it jus ain't Kosher sarge